Too late to save the planet? Why this climate crisis myth is so prevalent – and problematic

Too late to save the planet? Why this climate crisis myth is so prevalent – and problematic

The world has been given a “final warning” about the climate emergency. The United Nations says action is needed “on all fronts – everything, everywhere, all at once”. So why do so many people think nothing can be done to halt climate change?

In its latest assessment, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says there is irrefutable proof that temperatures have risen by close to the 1.5C tipping point and that human activity is the overwhelming cause.

The report says action to adapt to our changing climate “has progressed across all sectors and regions, with documented benefits and varying effectiveness”. And it spells out what governments, businesses and individuals can do to halt the rise in global temperatures.

The climate emergency and its effects comprise the top three risks to the world over the next decade, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2023, with failure to mitigate climate change as the risk with the biggest impact on life on Earth.

A global survey, commissioned by the Forum and conducted by Ipsos, found that more than half of adults on the planet say climate change has already had a severe impact on their lives, and a third fear it may force them from their homes.

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Photo:, Unsplash/Markus Spiske

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