Tag: climatechange

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Climate change funding talks stuck ahead of COP29 summit

Climate change funding talks stuck ahead of COP29 summit

Climate change funding talks stuck ahead of COP29 summit. With just five months to go before this year’s U.N. climate summit, countries cannot agree on the size of a global funding bill to help the developing world fight climate change – let alone how to split it. The decision is set to dominate the COP29 climate...

Africa's Nile River Suffocating With Waste

Africa’s Nile River Suffocating With Waste

Africa’s Nile River Suffocating With Waste. Juba, South Sudan — The Nile River is the second-longest river in the world. It provides crucial resources to 11 countries, including South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation. As dawn breaks each day over the Nile, its waters carry a silent plea at the center of a 21st century...

Up to 5m of beach are disappearing from this Spanish coast every year: Is climate change to blame?

Up to 5m of beach are disappearing from this Spanish coast every year: Is climate change to blame?

Human activity from construction along the coast between Torremolinos and Málaga laid the groundwork for this erosion to occur. Construction and climate change are eating away at one stretch of the Spanish coast at an alarming rate. Between 2016 and 2022, the Arraijanal-San Julián coast between Torremolinos and Málaga receded up to 45 metres. The...

Cape Verde bearing the brunt of the effects of climate change

Cape Verde bearing the brunt of the effects of climate change

Cabo Verde, an archipelago of ten islands, nine of which are inhabited, is a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) in West Africa. It is increasingly bearing the brunt of the effects of climate change. In 2018, a severe drought hit the country where approximately one-quarter of the population relies on agriculture for their main income....

Mapping malaria in Africa: climate change study predicts where mosquitoes will breed in future

Mapping malaria in Africa: climate change study predicts where mosquitoes will breed in future

The relationship between climate and malaria transmission is complex and has been the subject of intense study for some three decades. Mosquito vector populations sufficient to maintain malaria transmission occur within a particular range of temperatures and humidity that are suitable for their survival and breeding. The parasite also needs suitable temperatures to complete its mosquito life stages. And...

Extreme drought in southern Africa triggers hunger crisis for millions

Extreme drought in southern Africa triggers hunger crisis for millions

Southern Africa is on the brink of a hunger crisis after an historic drought decimated crops during the peak October to March farming season – one year after the region was pummelled by tropical storms.  Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe declared national disasters within weeks of each other after insufficient rains wiped out crops including the...

Carbon colonialism’ in Africa meets resistance as companies seek to sell carbon credits from conservation projects that often upend local livelihoods—or worse

Carbon colonialism’ in Africa meets resistance as companies seek to sell carbon credits from conservation projects that often upend local livelihoods—or worse

Matthew Walley’s eyes sweep over the large forest that has sustained his Indigenous community in Liberia for generations. Even as the morning sun casts a golden hue over the canopy, a sense of unease lingers. Their use of the land is being threatened, and they have organized to resist the possibility of losing their livelihood....



If you’re looking for someone to blame the worsening degradation of the climate upon, look no further than these 57 entities, which according to researchers are the main culprits behind climate change. The Carbon Majors Database, which compiles the worst carbon emissions offenders, has released a new briefing about the companies doing the most harm to the...

Climate change and nuclear waste are a toxic stew

Climate change and nuclear waste are a toxic stew

One of global warming’s more colorful dangers is the possibility that melting permafrost will revive prehistoric diseases and trigger horrific pandemics. But the more immediate candidates for a disastrous, climate-fueled comeback are newer and man-made. A hotter and more chaotic atmosphere is making it harder to build nuclear weapons and store waste safely in an...