Here’s where water is running out in the world — and why

Here’s where water is running out in the world — and why

Here’s where water is running out in the world—and why. A growing population and rising temperatures will strain the world’s freshwater supplies over the next 30 years, jeopardizing available water for drinking, bathing, and growing food, according to new research.

An analysis of newly released data from the World Resources Institute (WRI) shows that by 2050, an additional billion people will be living in arid areas. And also regions with high water stress. Every year, at least 40% of the renewable water supply is utilized in such regions. Two-fifths of the world’s population—3.3 billion people in totalcurrently live in such areas.

Water stress is a measure of how much demand there is for an area’s available water supply. A higher score means more people are competing for water.

Here’s where water is running out in the world — and why

WRI utilized a worldwide hydrological model to predict how renewable water supplies, such as rivers and lakes recharged by precipitation, may alter in the face of future climate change scenarios. According to their analysis, the Middle East and North Africa regions have the highest level of water stress in the world. Climate change is shifting traditional precipitation patterns, making the regions drierand reducing their already scarce water supplies. Population growth and industrial water consumption are likely to drive up demand.

Here are a few areas experiencing water scarcity around the world.



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