Global: UAE’s efforts to stifle debate at COP28 threaten meaningful measures to tackle the climate crisis and protect human rights

Global: UAE’s efforts to stifle debate at COP28 threaten meaningful measures to tackle the climate crisis and protect human rights

Reacting to reports that the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as host of the COP28 climate meeting which begins in Dubai in November, has defined a narrow list of talking points for its officials around climate issues and is aiming to avoid discussion of human rights abuses in the country, Marta Schaaf, Amnesty International’s Director of Climate, Economic and Social Justice, and Corporate Accountability programme, said:

“The escalating climate crisis is a very significant threat to people and their rights globally so the United Arab Emirates should be engaging in meaningful change to bring about a rapid end to the use of fossil fuels. Instead, the UAE’s priority at COP28 appears to be greenwashing its fossil fuel expansion plans and massaging its own reputation by seeking to avoid discussion of its dismal human rights record and continuing abuses.”

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