UAE seeks closer China ties through Africa, South Pacific investments as Middle East nation eyes ‘global player role’

UAE seeks closer China ties through Africa, South Pacific investments as Middle East nation eyes ‘global player role’
  • China and the UAE want to expand cooperation through investments in the Pacific islands and Africa, said Hong Kong-based consul general Shaikh Saoud Ali al-Mualla
  • The UAE is also eyeing increased use of the yuan, with the Middle East nation offering China a low risk gateway into the region, analysts said

The United Arab Emirates, a key node for China’s growing economic relations in the Middle East, is using its Chinese connection to co-invest in Africa and the South Pacific, while considering more transactions in the yuan, an Emirati official said.

The ventures follow a decade of the UAE working together with China on ports, export zones and other infrastructure, said Hong Kong-based consul general Shaikh Saoud Ali al-Mualla.

“Both countries are expanding their cooperation through joint investments in the Pacific islands and on the African continent,” Mualla told the Post.

China has invested in Africa for nearly a quarter of a century, lured by its natural resources and chance to form closer relations with the region seen as relatively overlooked by the United States.

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