UK government asks UAE for assurances over free speech at Cop28 summit

UK government asks UAE for assurances over free speech at Cop28 summit

Statement at UN human rights council voices ‘disappointment’ after host country refuses to change restrictive laws.

The UK has asked the United Arab Emirates, one of its closest Gulf allies, to explain how it will guarantee free speech around the UN Cop28 climate summit in Dubai after the country refused to change its restrictive laws.

The refusal came after a four-yearly UN review of the UAE’s human rights record.

The UK is one of the closest allies of the UAE and it is unusual for London to make any criticism of the country’s ruling family.

However, the UK said in a statement issued at the UN human rights council (HRC) in Geneva: “The UK believes that freedom of expression is a universal human right. We are therefore disappointed that the UAE has not accepted our recommendation to guarantee the rights to freedom of opinion, and freedom of expression and for peaceful assembly, in line with international human rights law.

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