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Cash couriers who smuggled £100million out of UK in suitcases sentenced

Cash couriers who smuggled £100million out of UK in suitcases sentenced

Gang used WhatApp group called ‘Sunshine and lollipops’ to co-ordinate money laundering between the UK and Dubai. Six members of a money laundering network which smuggled more than £100million from the UK to the UAE using suitcases have been jailed. The network transported the cash to Dubai during 83 separate trips between November 2019 and October 2020, overseen by ringleader...

Air Travelers Help Fuel $2 Trillion Global Money Laundering System

Air Travelers Help Fuel $2 Trillion Global Money Laundering System

Each year, money launders funnel $2 trillion in ill-gotten gains into the financial system. And a lot of that money travels by air, in cash, often in people’s suitcases, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Sunday (April 21). The report cited figures from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) showing that international...

European Parliament opposes EC removal of UAE, Gibraltar, Panama from ‘high risk’ list

European Parliament opposes EC removal of UAE, Gibraltar, Panama from ‘high risk’ list

MEPs in the European Parliament have drafted a motion for a resolution rejecting the European Commission’s proposal to remove the United Arab Emirates, Gibraltar and Panama from the list of high-risk third countries with strategic deficiencies in their Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) regimes. As previously reported, the European Commission published a proposed...

US restricts trade with companies tied to drones used by Russia, Houthis

US restricts trade with companies tied to drones used by Russia, Houthis

The United States restricted trade with five companies on Wednesday that it said help produce and procure drones for use by Russia in Ukraine and by Iran-backed Houthis in Red Sea shipping attacks. The companies from Russia and China were among 11 additions to the Commerce Department’s Entity List, which means suppliers need licenses before...

Money laundering network boss hit with multi-million pound confiscation order

Money laundering network boss hit with multi-million pound confiscation order

The ringleader of a money laundering group that smuggled tens of millions of pounds of criminal cash out of the UK has been hit with a confiscation order. Abdullah Alfalasi was given the order totalling £3,496,778.68 following a National Crime Agency investigation into his finances. The 48-year-old Emirati national was previously convicted of co-ordinating a...

At least 65 migrant bodies found in Libya mass grave, says UN

At least 65 migrant bodies found in Libya mass grave, says UN

At least 65 migrant bodies found in Libya mass grave, says UN. A mass grave containing the bodies of at least 65 migrants has been found in Libya, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has said. The IOM said the circumstances of their deaths and their nationalities are still unknown but they believe they died...