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Climate change impacts and adaptations of wine production

Climate change impacts and adaptations of wine production

Climate change is affecting grape yield, composition and wine quality. As a result, the geography of wine production is changing. In this Review, we discuss the consequences of changing temperature, precipitation, humidity, radiation and CO2 on global wine production and explore adaptation strategies. Current winegrowing regions are primarily located at mid-latitudes (California, USA; southern France; northern...

High Court grants permission for journalist’s legal case against UAE’s alleged spyware use

High Court grants permission for journalist’s legal case against UAE’s alleged spyware use

Rania Dridi, a journalist and former activist known for her involvement in the Tunisian revolution of 2011, has been granted permission by the High Court in London to initiate legal proceedings against the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The case revolves around the alleged use of Pegasus spyware to infiltrate her mobile phone, marking a significant...

Climate Change Is Worsening Inflation And Pushing Food Prices Even Higher, Researchers Warn

Climate Change Is Worsening Inflation And Pushing Food Prices Even Higher, Researchers Warn

Climate Change Is Worsening Inflation And Pushing Food Prices Even Higher, Researchers Warn. Rising global temperatures are accelerating inflation and will likely push the cost of food, goods and services higher for years to come, researchers warned Thursday, the latest example of how the climate crisis is affecting human health and the economy as the...

At least 65 migrant bodies found in Libya mass grave, says UN

At least 65 migrant bodies found in Libya mass grave, says UN

At least 65 migrant bodies found in Libya mass grave, says UN. A mass grave containing the bodies of at least 65 migrants has been found in Libya, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has said. The IOM said the circumstances of their deaths and their nationalities are still unknown but they believe they died...

Brewer’s yeast helps recover metals from e-waste

Brewer’s yeast helps recover metals from e-waste

Brewer’s yeast helps recover metals from e-waste. Austrian researchers have found a way to selectively capture metals from a waste stream using spent brewer’s yeast, the same beer byproduct that goes into the food spread Marmite. In a paper published in the journal Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, the scientists explain that electronic waste is notoriously difficult to recycle because it’s...

Cherry Trees From Japan to Washington D.C. Are Blooming Earlier Due to Climate Change

Cherry Trees From Japan to Washington D.C. Are Blooming Earlier Due to Climate Change

Cherry Trees From Japan to Washington D.C. Are Blooming Earlier Due to Climate Change. Iconic cherry trees in Japan and the U.S. are blossoming earlier as climate change brings warmer temperatures, upending a fixture of the spring calendar in major cities. No country is more associated with blossoming cherry trees, or sakura, than Japan, and tourists from overseas often...

Easter eggs costs rise as climate change hits crops

Easter eggs costs rise as climate change hits crops

Easter eggs costs rise as climate change hits crops. You may have noticed that Easter eggs are more expensive this year. But did you know that climate change is one of the reasons? Most chocolate is made from cocoa grown in West Africa, but a humid heatwave has blasted the crops and massively cut yields....