Tag: carbonstorage

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Carbon capture: The oil lobby’s Trojan horse at COP28

Carbon capture: The oil lobby’s Trojan horse at COP28

How fossil fuel lobbyists are skewing climate talks towards false solutions Carbon capture will be a hot topic at this year’s COP28. Oil and gas companies say it’s a solution to the climate crisis – reducing emissions by removing carbon from the air, during industrial processes or when producing electricity. The problem is, it doesn’t work...

COP host UAE emissions plan ‘insufficient’: analysis

COP host UAE emissions plan ‘insufficient’: analysis

New carbon-cutting plans by this year’s UN climate talks host the United Arab Emirates were branded “insufficient” by an analysis on Thursday that slammed the oil-rich nation for undermining its own targets with plans to increase fossil fuel production. The UAE, which will host the COP28 United Nations talks in November and December, released its...