Tag: ClimateNegotiations

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Release: Fossil fuel lobbyists attend UN climate talks more than 7000 times

Release: Fossil fuel lobbyists attend UN climate talks more than 7000 times

BRUSSELS 21 November, 2023: Disclosed delegates tied to the world’s biggest polluting oil and gas firms and their trade groups have attended UN-led climate talks at least 7200 times over the last 20 years, according to a new analysis from the Kick Big Polluters Out (KBPO) coalition. Just days ahead of COP28, an event already mired in controversy in...

Carbon capture: The oil lobby’s Trojan horse at COP28

Carbon capture: The oil lobby’s Trojan horse at COP28

How fossil fuel lobbyists are skewing climate talks towards false solutions Carbon capture will be a hot topic at this year’s COP28. Oil and gas companies say it’s a solution to the climate crisis – reducing emissions by removing carbon from the air, during industrial processes or when producing electricity. The problem is, it doesn’t work...

More Than 650 Scientists Call on President Biden to Take Ambitious Climate Action at COP28

More Than 650 Scientists Call on President Biden to Take Ambitious Climate Action at COP28

More than 650 scientists signed a letter sent to President Biden today calling on him to commit to more ambitious U.S. climate actions in the lead-up to the annual U.N. climate talks—also called COP28—in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Nearing the end of a year in which the world witnessed devastating climate-fueled disasters, record-breaking global average temperatures, and...

Zero: Why is COP28 letting a fox guard the henhouse?

Zero: Why is COP28 letting a fox guard the henhouse?

Talk about letting the fox into the henhouse. Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber may be a competent politician, diplomat and business leader. But whether the United Arab Emirates’ minister of industry and advanced technology is well suited to chair the forthcoming UN climate summit, COP28, in Dubai this November is a different matter. Besides his cabinet duties, al-Jaber...