Tag: ClimateResilience

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How climate change is going to affect your holidays in 2024

How climate change is going to affect your holidays in 2024

Holidays are making a comeback after several years of disruption caused by the Covid pandemic, but this resurgence in travel is concerning. The tourism sector alone is responsible for an estimated 8 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions – and conditions at traditional holiday destinations in high summer are becoming increasingly unpleasant if not downright hazardous. During the past year, numerous...

How to Salvage COP28

How to Salvage COP28

As the president of COP28, the UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber faces the crucial task of delivering on his promise to devise a plan to bridge the Global South’s annual $1 trillion shortfall in financing for mitigation and adaptation initiatives. He should start by endorsing a levy on petrostates’ windfall oil revenues. EDINBURGH – The United...

Taiwan’s exclusion from COP28 highly unfair: environment minister

Taiwan’s exclusion from COP28 highly unfair: environment minister

In a recent interview with Nikkei Asia, Environment Minister Hsueh Fu-sheng (薛富盛) voiced discontent over Taiwan’s exclusion from the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28. When asked whether it is conducive to exclude Taiwan from the COP28 summit, Hsueh said that it is very unfair to Taiwan as the country has one of the...

11 Ways Farmers Are Adapting to the Unpredictability of Climate Change

11 Ways Farmers Are Adapting to the Unpredictability of Climate Change

Climate change is no longer a distant threat – it is a reality that farmers around the world are grappling with daily. Rising temperatures, erratic weather patterns, increased pest and disease pressure and shifting precipitation patterns have made agriculture more challenging than ever. Farmers are demonstrating remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of the...