Tag: ClimateRevolution

Home » ClimateRevolution
How Our Electric Grids are Blocking a Climate Revolution

How Our Electric Grids are Blocking a Climate Revolution

The biggest and dirtiest secret of the energy market is that most of it is lost in generating, transmitting, distributing, and using it. Solving this problem would be revolutionary, reducing competition for resources that contributes to conflict as well as climate change. Energy is one of the most valuable businesses in the world, worth trillions...

The Climate Summit Is a Sick Joke. You Should Be Angry and Afraid | Opinion

The Climate Summit Is a Sick Joke. You Should Be Angry and Afraid | Opinion

The annual United Nations climate summit started yesterday. We’re up to the 28th edition: “COP28.” Past UN summits have obviously failed us, but this is a new low. Everyone on Earth needs to know that the meeting has been overrun by fossil fuel executives, making it a sick, planet-destroying joke. There’s no real hope of stopping catastrophic global...