Tag: EconomicImpact

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Climate change impacts and adaptations of wine production

Climate change impacts and adaptations of wine production

Climate change is affecting grape yield, composition and wine quality. As a result, the geography of wine production is changing. In this Review, we discuss the consequences of changing temperature, precipitation, humidity, radiation and CO2 on global wine production and explore adaptation strategies. Current winegrowing regions are primarily located at mid-latitudes (California, USA; southern France; northern...

Climate change: alarming Africa-wide report predicts 30% drop in crop revenue, 50 million without water

Climate change: alarming Africa-wide report predicts 30% drop in crop revenue, 50 million without water

African countries will suffer significant economic loss after 2050 if global warming is not limited to below 2°C, a new study by the Center for Global Development has found. Environment and energy economist Philip Kofi Adom is the author of the report. He synchronised many years of research by climate change scientists and researchers and found that...

Canada Offers Lesson in the Economic Toll of Climate Change

Canada Offers Lesson in the Economic Toll of Climate Change

Wildfires are hurting many industries and could strain households across Canada, one of many countries reckoning with the impact of extreme weather. Canada’s wildfires have burned 20 million acres, blanketed Canadian and U.S. cities with smoke and raised health concerns on both sides of the border, with no end in sight. The toll on the Canadian economy is...