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Deep-sea mining could cause $500bn in environmental damage – report

Deep-sea mining could cause $500bn in environmental damage – report

The undertaking is proving not to be financially or environmentally viable. Deep-sea mining could cause up to 25-times more damage to the world’s biodiversity than land-based mining, resulting in $500bn of lost value, according to a new study published on Thursday. Many of the critical minerals needed in the production of electric vehicles (EV) can...

Al Gore hits out at fossil fuel industry’s‘capture’ of UN climate negotiations

Al Gore hits out at fossil fuel industry’s‘capture’ of UN climate negotiations

Former US vice-president and climate campaigner Al Gore has hit out at the fossil fuelindustry’s “capture” of global UN negotiations on climate change “to a disturbingdegree”.It was “time to abandon the mistaken assumption” that oil and gas companies andpetrostates were “good faith participants” during the UN process that culminates in asummit to be held in...