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“Historic” or “Historic Failure”? Fossil Fuels at COP28

“Historic” or “Historic Failure”? Fossil Fuels at COP28

Another climate change COP has come and gone. As has become quite common by now, a complex set of intergovernmental negotiations are ultimately reduced to a fight over one particular issue. At the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, UAE (COP28), this issue was the phasing out of fossil fuels. The decision adopted in Dubai...

Was COP28 a Success? Depends On Who You Ask

Was COP28 a Success? Depends On Who You Ask

COP28 was a success—but only if we’re grading on a very lenient curve. The United Nations’ climate summit known as COP28 concluded last Wednesday in Dubai, and the results represented a landmark—only observers can’t seem to decide if it was good or bad. President of COP28, Emirati official, and UAE state oil concern chief Sultan Al-Jaber was...

Carbon capture: The oil lobby’s Trojan horse at COP28

Carbon capture: The oil lobby’s Trojan horse at COP28

How fossil fuel lobbyists are skewing climate talks towards false solutions Carbon capture will be a hot topic at this year’s COP28. Oil and gas companies say it’s a solution to the climate crisis – reducing emissions by removing carbon from the air, during industrial processes or when producing electricity. The problem is, it doesn’t work...