Tag: EnvironmentalProtection

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Up to 5m of beach are disappearing from this Spanish coast every year: Is climate change to blame?

Up to 5m of beach are disappearing from this Spanish coast every year: Is climate change to blame?

Human activity from construction along the coast between Torremolinos and Málaga laid the groundwork for this erosion to occur. Construction and climate change are eating away at one stretch of the Spanish coast at an alarming rate. Between 2016 and 2022, the Arraijanal-San Julián coast between Torremolinos and Málaga receded up to 45 metres. The...

Carbon colonialism’ in Africa meets resistance as companies seek to sell carbon credits from conservation projects that often upend local livelihoods—or worse

Carbon colonialism’ in Africa meets resistance as companies seek to sell carbon credits from conservation projects that often upend local livelihoods—or worse

Matthew Walley’s eyes sweep over the large forest that has sustained his Indigenous community in Liberia for generations. Even as the morning sun casts a golden hue over the canopy, a sense of unease lingers. Their use of the land is being threatened, and they have organized to resist the possibility of losing their livelihood....

Coal mining, oil industries among main sources of increasing air pollution in Africa – study

Coal mining, oil industries among main sources of increasing air pollution in Africa – study

A recent study published in the journal Nature Geoscience presents evidence that shows that the burning of biomass fuel for cooking, heating, and lighting, the crude oil exploitation and coal mining industries, as well as old vehicles being shipped in from Europe are causing severe deterioration of air quality in African countries. According to the article, particulate matter concentration levels in many African...

As Glaciers Subside, Salmon Face a New Threat: Mining Companies

As Glaciers Subside, Salmon Face a New Threat: Mining Companies

As human-caused climate change points a giant hair dryer at Western North America’s glaciers, melting them ever more rapidly, potential Pacific salmon habitat is opening up. New river systems are starting to flow, and rain and snowmelt will keep many running even after the ice disappears. In some, salmon are appearing for the first time. But mining...

How to assess the carbon footprint of a war

How to assess the carbon footprint of a war

We know that war is bad for the environment, with toxic chemicals left polluting the soil and water for decades after fighting ceases. Much less obvious are the carbon emissions from armed conflicts and their long-term impacts on the climate. Colleagues and I have estimated that the US military alone contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than over 150 countries,...

Why The United Arab Emirates Is A Poor Choice For A Global Climate Summit – Analysis

Why The United Arab Emirates Is A Poor Choice For A Global Climate Summit – Analysis

The UAE is destroying the ecosystem of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and yet its oil company chief will preside over COP28. It is no joke; the man who will preside over the upcoming climate summit, COP28 (which will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), from November 30 to December 12), is the chief oil executive of...

“Carbon bombs”: The nation states, the primary culprits in the exploitation of fossil reserves

“Carbon bombs”: The nation states, the primary culprits in the exploitation of fossil reserves

Governments are being urged to stop granting new permits for coal, oil, and gas extraction, 10 nations are the ones producing more than three-quarters of the biggest CO2-emitting sites. While the focus is often on major energy companies, the responsibility for coal extraction projects also lies with` the states that authorize drilling. A small number...