Tag: EnvironmentalProtectionAgency

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Air pollution from heavy traffic can raise blood pressure, researchers say

Air pollution from heavy traffic can raise blood pressure, researchers say

People wearing masks while driving alone in their cars may not be so foolish after all. The N95 masksTrusted Source used to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 might also filter out highway air pollution that a new study says can cause a serious and sustained spike in blood pressure. The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reports that...

Al Gore on why the ‘deck is stacked against’ COP28

Al Gore on why the ‘deck is stacked against’ COP28

Welcome back — and a big thank you to all the participants who made day one of the Moral Money Summit Americas such a success (especially the many loyal readers in attendance).We continue today in New York with an action-packed second day, featuring former Colombian president Iván Duque Márquez, Verizon chief executive Hans Vestberg, Hester...