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Deep Is the Irony of Petrostate UAE Hosting COP28

Deep Is the Irony of Petrostate UAE Hosting COP28

On November 30, 2023, Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, the CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), will formally open the 28th Conference of the Parties at Expo City in Dubai. As COP28 president, he will make the keynote address welcoming thousands of climate delegates from around the world. Continuing a trend seen in...

‘Insanity’: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

‘Insanity’: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

The world’s fossil fuel producers are planning expansions that would blow the planet’s carbon budget twice over, a UN report has found. Experts called the plans “insanity” which “throw humanity’s future into question”. The energy plans of the petrostates contradicted their climate policies and pledges, the report said. The plans would lead to 460% more coal production,...

COP28 under attack, “here’s what will come out of the Dubai climate conference.”

COP28 under attack, “here’s what will come out of the Dubai climate conference.”

Interview with Jacopo Bencini, expert in climate diplomacy and member of the Italian Climate Network, on the expectations and desirable outcomes of the next Climate Conference in Dubai Alessandro Mariani There is little time left, less than a month, before the start of COP28, the twenty-eighth Climate Conference to be held in Dubai, United Arab...

It’s time to admit that our health and climate crises are one

It’s time to admit that our health and climate crises are one

The writer served as the first national climate adviser to the White House and is a former administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency.It is of course completely right that climate, economic and technical experts are included in every COP discussion, such as the one in the United Arab Emirates later this month. But only...

Climate experts warn of fossil fuel tactics at COP28

Climate experts warn of fossil fuel tactics at COP28

Oil-rich Gulf states have positioned themselves as both champions of climate innovation and guardians of fossil fuel interests — a balancing act experts warn could derail action at COP28 in Dubai. This year’s United Nations climate summit is being chaired and hosted by the United Arab Emirates, a country dubbed “an oil company with a...

Clash Over ‘Fossil Fuels’ Pits U.A.E. Against Public Health Experts

Clash Over ‘Fossil Fuels’ Pits U.A.E. Against Public Health Experts

Can you talk about the health impacts of climate change without mentioning the burning of fossil fuels, its leading cause?An intergovernmental declaration on the health impacts of climate change led by the United Arab Emirates, which is presiding over this year’s global climate talks, and circulated among countries for their potential endorsement, does just that.Several...

Dear COP 28 President-Designate Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber,

Dear COP 28 President-Designate Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber,

This year, world leaders gathering in the UAE to take stock of their climate commitments will for the first time engage in official programming focused on health. We, the signatories of this letter, support your leadership in bringing health front and center at COP28. As global health leaders, we are committed to achieving health and...

Future of fossil fuels leaves nations at odds ahead of UN climate summit

Future of fossil fuels leaves nations at odds ahead of UN climate summit

The world’s nations remained at odds over any agreement for an end to new oil and gasprojects ahead of the upcoming UN climate summit, with France, Spain, Ireland, Kenyaand 11 other countries calling for the phasing out of fossil fuel production at preliminarytalks this week.After discussions over the past two days in Abu Dhabi in...

“Carbon bombs”: The nation states, the primary culprits in the exploitation of fossil reserves

“Carbon bombs”: The nation states, the primary culprits in the exploitation of fossil reserves

Governments are being urged to stop granting new permits for coal, oil, and gas extraction, 10 nations are the ones producing more than three-quarters of the biggest CO2-emitting sites. While the focus is often on major energy companies, the responsibility for coal extraction projects also lies with` the states that authorize drilling. A small number...