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Mapping malaria in Africa: climate change study predicts where mosquitoes will breed in future

Mapping malaria in Africa: climate change study predicts where mosquitoes will breed in future

The relationship between climate and malaria transmission is complex and has been the subject of intense study for some three decades. Mosquito vector populations sufficient to maintain malaria transmission occur within a particular range of temperatures and humidity that are suitable for their survival and breeding. The parasite also needs suitable temperatures to complete its mosquito life stages. And...

700 dead from Zambia cholera outbreak as cases surge

700 dead from Zambia cholera outbreak as cases surge

Zambia has seen a surge in cholera cases since January 2024 with fatalities reaching 700, medical charity Doctors Without Borders said in a statement. The country has recorded nearly 20,000 infections since the outbreak started in October 2023.  While at the beginning of the outbreak cases were restricted to Lusaka and Ndola , the two...

Coal mining, oil industries among main sources of increasing air pollution in Africa – study

Coal mining, oil industries among main sources of increasing air pollution in Africa – study

A recent study published in the journal Nature Geoscience presents evidence that shows that the burning of biomass fuel for cooking, heating, and lighting, the crude oil exploitation and coal mining industries, as well as old vehicles being shipped in from Europe are causing severe deterioration of air quality in African countries. According to the article, particulate matter concentration levels in many African...

Climate Change Behind Africa Cholera Surge, Top Health Officials Say

Climate Change Behind Africa Cholera Surge, Top Health Officials Say

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the continent’s chief health advisory body, has tied the worst outbreak of cholera in three years to climate change, saying adverse weather is raising the risk of this disease faster than in the rest of the world. That’s as floods in Democratic Republic of Congo — and across...

It’s time to admit that our health and climate crises are one

It’s time to admit that our health and climate crises are one

The writer served as the first national climate adviser to the White House and is a former administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency.It is of course completely right that climate, economic and technical experts are included in every COP discussion, such as the one in the United Arab Emirates later this month. But only...

Climate change impeding fight against AIDS, TB and malaria

Climate change impeding fight against AIDS, TB and malaria

LONDON, Sept 18 (Reuters) – Climate change and conflict are hitting efforts to tackle three of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, the head of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has warned. International initiatives to fight the diseases have largely recovered after being badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the...

Amid Climate Change, Mosquitoes Migrate; Will Malaria Follow? 

Amid Climate Change, Mosquitoes Migrate; Will Malaria Follow? 

As the planet warms, mosquitoes are slowly migrating upward.As the planet warms, mosquitoes are slowly migrating upward. The temperature range where malaria-carrying mosquitoes thrive is rising in elevation. Researchers have found evidence of the phenomenon from the tropical highlands of South America to the mountainous, populous regions of eastern Africa. Scientists now worry people living...