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Amazon tipping point: Up to 47% forest threatened by climate change and deforestation, study warns

Amazon tipping point: Up to 47% forest threatened by climate change and deforestation, study warns

The vital ecosystem could also flip between rainforest and Savanna-like vegetation if drought deepens, the research finds. The Amazon rainforest is approaching a tipping point which would have devastating consequences for the world’s climate system, new research shows. Up to 47 per cent of ‘the planet’s lungs’ could be threatened by rising temperatures, droughts, deforestation...

‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show

‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show

Documents show industry-backed Air Pollution Foundation uncovered the severe harm climate change would wreak. The fossil fuel industry funded some of the world’s most foundational climate science as early as 1954, newly unearthed documents have shown, including the early research of Charles Keeling, famous for the so-called “Keeling curve” that has charted the upward march...

Greenland startup begins shipping glacier ice to cocktail bars in the UAE

Greenland startup begins shipping glacier ice to cocktail bars in the UAE

Arctic Ice argues its rare, pure product can be part of Greenland’s green transition and greater independence. Frozen daiquiri anyone? Drinking a cocktail on top of a Dubai skyscraper may seem decadent enough, but a Greenland entrepreneur wants to add ancient glacier ice scooped from the fjords to the glass, for the ultimate international thrill. Arctic Ice...

Cop29 host Azerbaijan to hike gas output by a third over next decade

Cop29 host Azerbaijan to hike gas output by a third over next decade

Environmentalists condemn news of higher forecast production which is also seen as a conservative forecast. Azerbaijan, which is hosting this year’s UN climate talks, plans to increase its fossil fuel production by a third over the next decade, according to an analysis shared exclusively with the Guardian. The forecast indicates the Cop29 host will grow...

How climate change is going to affect your holidays in 2024

How climate change is going to affect your holidays in 2024

Holidays are making a comeback after several years of disruption caused by the Covid pandemic, but this resurgence in travel is concerning. The tourism sector alone is responsible for an estimated 8 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions – and conditions at traditional holiday destinations in high summer are becoming increasingly unpleasant if not downright hazardous. During the past year, numerous...

Carbon Colonialism, COP28 and the Climate Crisis

Carbon Colonialism, COP28 and the Climate Crisis

By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan Dubai, UAE – More than 100,000 people have descended on the United Nations climate summit here in Dubai, making it the largest ever. The goal of COP28, the 28th annual “Conference of Parties” to the climate negotiations, is to halt catastrophic climate change. As the impacts of the climate emergency become increasingly...

“Historic” or “Historic Failure”? Fossil Fuels at COP28

“Historic” or “Historic Failure”? Fossil Fuels at COP28

Another climate change COP has come and gone. As has become quite common by now, a complex set of intergovernmental negotiations are ultimately reduced to a fight over one particular issue. At the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, UAE (COP28), this issue was the phasing out of fossil fuels. The decision adopted in Dubai...

Was COP28 a Success? Depends On Who You Ask

Was COP28 a Success? Depends On Who You Ask

COP28 was a success—but only if we’re grading on a very lenient curve. The United Nations’ climate summit known as COP28 concluded last Wednesday in Dubai, and the results represented a landmark—only observers can’t seem to decide if it was good or bad. President of COP28, Emirati official, and UAE state oil concern chief Sultan Al-Jaber was...

COP28 draft agreement drops phaseout of fossil fuels

COP28 draft agreement drops phaseout of fossil fuels

A draft agreement from the UN’s COP28 climate summit has dropped references to the phaseout of fossil fuels, triggering a backlash from countries that accuse Saudi Arabia and other petrostates of thwarting efforts to tackle global warming.The document, which will have to be agreed on by almost 200 countries at the summit in Dubai, sets...