Tag: GreenInvesting

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Al Gore Doesn’t Say I Told You So

Al Gore Doesn’t Say I Told You So

There was always the possibility that Al Gore, after making the hideously painful decision to concede the contested 2000 Presidential election to George W. Bush, would have to live out the remainder of his life as both a tragic loser and a tragic hero—someone who stood down in the name of the orderly transition of...

Al Gore Calls Out the Bankers ‘Profiting Hugely’ From Big Oil

Al Gore Calls Out the Bankers ‘Profiting Hugely’ From Big Oil

Al Gore, the former US vice president turned climate crusader, says Big Oil and the banks backing it still have huge financial incentives to stick with fossil fuels, even though their decision to do so is the leading cause of the climate crisis. Bankers “are profiting hugely” from their role as lenders and advisers to...