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Syrian returnees subjected to “gross human rights violations and abuses”, UN report details

Syrian returnees subjected to “gross human rights violations and abuses”, UN report details

Many Syrians who had fled the war face gross human rights violations and abuses upon their return to Syria, according to a report by the UN Human Rights Office released today. The documented violations and abuses have been perpetrated by the Government, de facto authorities and other armed groups across the country, the report states. They include arbitrary detention,...

Davies: Pass FEND Off Fentanyl to fight opioid crisis

Davies: Pass FEND Off Fentanyl to fight opioid crisis

As the U.S. opioid crisis spirals further out of control, and threatens to engulf Europe, the U.S. government has been scrambling in recent weeks for solutions. Some are sensible, if misguided, such as the Biden administration’s “fentanyl strike force” within the Treasury Department to aggressively scrutinize the finances of suspected narcotics dealers. Others, such as...

Russia’s Iran-UAE balancing act in the Gulf islands dispute

Russia’s Iran-UAE balancing act in the Gulf islands dispute

Having repeatedly sided with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over Iran in a long-standing dispute regarding three Gulf islands, Moscow appears to be risking its ties with Tehran. The Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa islands in the Strait of Hormuz were taken over by Iran in 1971 after British forces withdrew from the UAE following the country’s...

How the Kremlin is using Wagner to launder billions in African gold

How the Kremlin is using Wagner to launder billions in African gold

Blood Gold Report: Key Findings The Kremlin has earned more than US$2.5 billion from trade in African gold since Vladimir Putin launched his full scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. In the Central African Republic (CAR), a Wagner front company has been awarded exclusive rights to the Ndassima mine, the country’s largest gold mine, in return...

Why The United Arab Emirates Is A Poor Choice For A Global Climate Summit – Analysis

Why The United Arab Emirates Is A Poor Choice For A Global Climate Summit – Analysis

The UAE is destroying the ecosystem of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and yet its oil company chief will preside over COP28. It is no joke; the man who will preside over the upcoming climate summit, COP28 (which will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), from November 30 to December 12), is the chief oil executive of...

Dutch shipping company caught violating Libya arms embargo

Dutch shipping company caught violating Libya arms embargo

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) has launched a criminal investigation into a Dutch shipping company suspected of violating the arms embargo against Libya. A freighter from Shipping Company Groningen was caught trying to transport armored vehicles to Libya last year, the OM confirmed to RTL Nieuws. According to the UN committee that monitors the Lybian arms...

Small Island Nations Turn to UN Court for Protection Against Climate Change

Small Island Nations Turn to UN Court for Protection Against Climate Change

In the first ocean protection case, a group of small island nations, including the Bahamas, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda, are seeking legal rulings to help protect them from the damage caused by climate change. The case is officially being brought by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law (Cosis) and will...

Will Vladimir Putin be Arrested if Attending COP28? Let’s Find Out Why Not

Will Vladimir Putin be Arrested if Attending COP28? Let’s Find Out Why Not

As the annual COP climate summit approaches in Dubai next month, one prominent figure conspicuously absent from past conferences may decide to attend COP28 – Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, there are good reasons why the ICC suspect feels comfortable enough to potentially skirt international justice and visit the UAE. Some context – in March,...

From Russia with gold – UAE cashes in as sanctions bite

From Russia with gold – UAE cashes in as sanctions bite

The United Arab Emirates has become a key trade hub for Russian gold since Western sanctions over Ukraine cut Russia’s more traditional export routes, Russian customs records show. The records, which contain details of nearly a thousand gold shipments in the year since the Ukraine war started, show the Gulf state imported 75.7 tonnes of...

Iranian Media, Politicians Continue To Slam Russia For ‘Treason’

Iranian Media, Politicians Continue To Slam Russia For ‘Treason’

Iranian media continued criticizing Russia for questioning Iran’s ownership of three small islands in the Persian Gulf contested by the United Arab Emirates. Iranian media and social media users were deeply annoyed when Russia joined the Persian Gulf Arab states earlier this week to demand a settlement to the dispute over the ownership of the islands Iran...