Tag: KeepItInTheGround

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Release: Fossil fuel lobbyists attend UN climate talks more than 7000 times

Release: Fossil fuel lobbyists attend UN climate talks more than 7000 times

BRUSSELS 21 November, 2023: Disclosed delegates tied to the world’s biggest polluting oil and gas firms and their trade groups have attended UN-led climate talks at least 7200 times over the last 20 years, according to a new analysis from the Kick Big Polluters Out (KBPO) coalition. Just days ahead of COP28, an event already mired in controversy in...

Hypocrisy at COP28: How Fossil Fuel Expansion by Wealthy Nations Undermines Climate Action

Hypocrisy at COP28: How Fossil Fuel Expansion by Wealthy Nations Undermines Climate Action

International climate policy experts , hailing from the “Global South” have denounced the ‘hypocrisy’ of some developed countries for their continued expansion of fossil fuel production despite lofty promises to combat climate change and have asked them to come clean to the COP28 in Dubai and demonstrate genuine leadership. The new report titled ‘Planet Wreckers:...