Tag: lossanddamage

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30 trillion reasons to make Big Oil pay up

30 trillion reasons to make Big Oil pay up

Since the mid-1980s, the 25 largest oil and gas companies around the world have fought climate policies tooth and nail, making US$30 trillion in the process, according to a study published Thursday. The analysis from German-headquartered Climate Analytics also calculated the climate-related damages from the emissions of the oil and gas companies and found those...

More Than 650 Scientists Call on President Biden to Take Ambitious Climate Action at COP28

More Than 650 Scientists Call on President Biden to Take Ambitious Climate Action at COP28

More than 650 scientists signed a letter sent to President Biden today calling on him to commit to more ambitious U.S. climate actions in the lead-up to the annual U.N. climate talks—also called COP28—in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Nearing the end of a year in which the world witnessed devastating climate-fueled disasters, record-breaking global average temperatures, and...

COP28: a year on from climate change funding breakthrough, poor countries eye disappointment at Dubai summit

COP28: a year on from climate change funding breakthrough, poor countries eye disappointment at Dubai summit

At the COP27 summit in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, an agreement to establish a loss and damage fund was hailed as a major breakthrough on one of the trickiest topics in the UN climate change negotiations. In an otherwise frustrating conference, this decision in November 2022 acknowledged the help that poorer and low-emitting countries in particular need to deal...

‘Disappointing’ Climate Finance Pledges at Bonn Conference Despite Calls on Wealthy Nations to Increase Commitments Ahead of COP28

‘Disappointing’ Climate Finance Pledges at Bonn Conference Despite Calls on Wealthy Nations to Increase Commitments Ahead of COP28

The UN failed short of a US$10 billion target after the US and other wealthy nations failed to fulfil their climate finance pledges at a crucial climate financing conference held last week in Bonn, Germany. Last week’s Bonn conference on climate change witnessed a significant setback as the US and other rich countries failed to...

Hypocrisy at COP28: How Fossil Fuel Expansion by Wealthy Nations Undermines Climate Action

Hypocrisy at COP28: How Fossil Fuel Expansion by Wealthy Nations Undermines Climate Action

International climate policy experts , hailing from the “Global South” have denounced the ‘hypocrisy’ of some developed countries for their continued expansion of fossil fuel production despite lofty promises to combat climate change and have asked them to come clean to the COP28 in Dubai and demonstrate genuine leadership. The new report titled ‘Planet Wreckers:...

Deep dive: A big year for climate negotiations… or not?

Deep dive: A big year for climate negotiations… or not?

Deep dive: A big year for climate negotiations… or not? Today, we dig into the major tensions building in climate negotiations in the lead-up to the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP 28, which starts in late November. Summer used to be a time of joy. Now, each passing July in the Northern...