Tag: MediaOwnership

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How far does Gulf money go? An Abu Dhabi-backed newspaper buyout attempt is sparking panic in London

How far does Gulf money go? An Abu Dhabi-backed newspaper buyout attempt is sparking panic in London

Mansions, university facilities, think tanks, sports teams — the U.K. is no stranger to Gulf money and multibillion-dollar investments streaming from Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia into British institutions. But newspapers? That’s a hard stop, apparently. The latest investment pursuit flowing westward from one of the U.K.’s close Gulf allies, the UAE,...

Telegraph could become ‘PR arm’ of UAE after proposed takeover, MPs warned

Telegraph could become ‘PR arm’ of UAE after proposed takeover, MPs warned

UAE-backed deal could be disastrous for UK government and freedom of press, opponents say. MPs have attacked the proposed UAE-backed takeover of the Telegraph newspapers, warning that it is impossible to “separate sheikh and state” and calling for further investigations to be launched before the deal “turns into a disaster for the government”. Julia Lopez,...

A misogynist foreign state must not be allowed to own The Telegraph

A misogynist foreign state must not be allowed to own The Telegraph

This paper has a proud history of promoting women’s voices, including mine. It has to continue in that vein. Our government has passed the ;rst test. In issuing a Public Interest Intervention Notice (PIIN) in response to the United Arab Emirates funded bid to buy the Telegraph titles and The Spectator magazine, culture secretary Lucy...

Foreign Office ‘trying to block’ Telegraph takeover investigation’

Foreign Office ‘trying to block’ Telegraph takeover investigation’

The Foreign Office has been accused of attempting to block an official investigation into the takeover of The Telegraph by an Abu Dhabi-backed organisation. Lucy Frazer, the culture secretary, has said that she is minded to open a regulatory investigation into whether the bid by RedBird IMI would be against the public interest. The Telegraph...

UK Inclined to Order Probe into Abu Dhabi-Backed Telegraph Deal

UK Inclined to Order Probe into Abu Dhabi-Backed Telegraph Deal

The UK government is leaning toward ordering a probe into RedBird IMI’s proposed Telegraph deal, after the prospect of an Abu Dhabi-backed fund taking control of the British newspaper raised national security concerns among some Conservative lawmakers. Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer said she’s “minded to” issue a so-called Public Interest Intervention Notice. “This relates to concerns I...

UK minded to intervene in Abu Dhabi-backed deal for The Telegraph

UK minded to intervene in Abu Dhabi-backed deal for The Telegraph

British media minister Lucy Frazer said on Wednesday she was “minded to” intervene in a deal that could see Abu Dhabi-backed RedBird IMI take control of the Daily Telegraph, saying she had concerns about the newspaper’s independence. The right-leaning title and Spectator magazine, favourites of politicians in the leading Conservative Party, are being sold after...