Tag: NaturalDisasters

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The Hidden Health Costs of Climate Change

The Hidden Health Costs of Climate Change

limate change kills. Since 2000, nearly four million people worldwide have lost their lives due to floods, wildfires, heat waves, droughts, and other extreme weather events that have been linked to a steadily warming planet, according to a recent estimate in the journal Nature. That sweeping number can make it hard for any of us to grasp how...

How climate change risks impact people with disabilities

How climate change risks impact people with disabilities

As the planet warms scientists say natural disasters are becoming more destructive and more frequent, and the data shows certain communities are hit harder than others. Judy Woodruff reports from Florida on the disproportionate impact on people with disabilities as part of our series, “Disability Reframed.” Judy Woodruff: By the time Hurricane Ian left a...

Climate change can have ‘lifelong impacts’ on young people’s mental health, report says

Climate change can have ‘lifelong impacts’ on young people’s mental health, report says

Climate change can play a major role in affecting young people’s mental health, according to a new report from the American Psychological Association. Written in collaboration with the climate advocacy organization ecoAmerica, the report documents how environmental events linked to climate change – including weather disasters, extreme heat and poor air quality – can trigger...