Tag: Petrostates

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To save the climate, change the game for petrostates

To save the climate, change the game for petrostates

Future negotiations should focus more on reshaping incentives for oil and gas producing countries, and less on fulminating at their villainy. Daniel Litvin is the founder of Critical Resource and a visiting senior fellow at the Grantham Research Institute at LSE. He is the author of “Empires of Profit: Commerce, Conquest and Corporate Responsibility.” He...

How to Salvage COP28

How to Salvage COP28

As the president of COP28, the UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber faces the crucial task of delivering on his promise to devise a plan to bridge the Global South’s annual $1 trillion shortfall in financing for mitigation and adaptation initiatives. He should start by endorsing a levy on petrostates’ windfall oil revenues. EDINBURGH – The United...

‘Insanity’: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

‘Insanity’: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

The world’s fossil fuel producers are planning expansions that would blow the planet’s carbon budget twice over, a UN report has found. Experts called the plans “insanity” which “throw humanity’s future into question”. The energy plans of the petrostates contradicted their climate policies and pledges, the report said. The plans would lead to 460% more coal production,...