Tag: PrivateJets

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Do 70,000 People Really Need to Be at a Climate Confab?

Do 70,000 People Really Need to Be at a Climate Confab?

The expanding crowd risks overshadowing the purpose and turning the meeting into another celebrity-studded gathering of rich people. How many people do you think it takes to hammer out a global climate agreement? 500? 5,000? 50,000? Apparently, the correct answer is 70,000. That’s about how many people are expected to turn up in Dubai over the...

Billionaires are responsible for large amounts of climate pollution from Hanscom, a new report finds

Billionaires are responsible for large amounts of climate pollution from Hanscom, a new report finds

Executives at Suffolk Construction, owned by John Fish, have used the Boston-based company’s private jet nearly 250 times since last year to fly from Hanscom Field to destinations such as Aruba and Aspen, Barcelona and Rome, Martha’s Vineyard and Napa Valley, according to a new report. Private jet flights have increasingly become a target of...