Tag: regulations

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UN official says group moving on deep-sea mining regulations

UN official says group moving on deep-sea mining regulations

A top U.N. regulator said Friday that mining of the world’s ocean floors should not move forward without rules in place, but that his agency cannot stop companies from trying to move ahead if countries can’t agree on a framework. Michael Lodge, secretary-general of the International Seabed Authority, told reporters at a news conference that...

Cancer-causing PCB chemicals still being produced despite 40-year-old ban

Cancer-causing PCB chemicals still being produced despite 40-year-old ban

Industry could be producing more cancer-causing PCB chemicals today than at any other point in history, despite their production having been banned more than 40 years ago. PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are human-made substances that were used as coolants and lubricants in electrical equipment until they were banned due to their links to health problems and because...