Tag: SultanAlJaber

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Abu Dhabi’s censor-in-chiefset to takecharge at the Telegraph

Abu Dhabi’s censor-in-chiefset to takecharge at the Telegraph

UPDATE “In addition to Mr. Zucker, the key players in the new venture, known as RedBird IMI, are Gerry Cardinale, the chief executive and founder of RedBird, and Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, an Emirati government minister who has spearheaded many of IMI’s investment conversations in the United States. Mr. Cardinale is the chief investment officer...

COP28 President’s ‘hypocritical’ oil firm failing to acknowledge full extent of their carbon footprint

COP28 President’s ‘hypocritical’ oil firm failing to acknowledge full extent of their carbon footprint

COP28 President’s ‘hypocritical’ oil firm failing to acknowledge full extent of their carbon footprint. The fossil fuel giant run by the president of the forthcoming UN climate summit, Sultan Al-Jaber, last month reported only a fraction of its carbon pollution. This is despite him saying companies need to “attack all emissions”, according to new analysis....

Why the next climate summit is stirring controversy

Why the next climate summit is stirring controversy

Why the next climate summit is stirring controversy. Every year, the world convenes for the United Nations climate talks. There, members of the Conference of the Parties (COP) decide on the dates and venue of their next session. The host nation then names someone to chair the talks. The government of the host country holds...

After oil exec named COP28 president, fake accounts rally to his defence

After oil exec named COP28 president, fake accounts rally to his defence

If you see a sultry blonde environmental activist or a peace-loving NASA scientist on Twitter praising the United Arab Emirates for its climate change policy, look a little closer. A disinformation expert says a network of fake accounts are defending the United Nations’ decision to host this year’s COP28 climate talks in the oil-rich country, and to appoint UAE oil company CEO Sultan...