Tag: tourism

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How climate change is going to affect your holidays in 2024

How climate change is going to affect your holidays in 2024

Holidays are making a comeback after several years of disruption caused by the Covid pandemic, but this resurgence in travel is concerning. The tourism sector alone is responsible for an estimated 8 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions – and conditions at traditional holiday destinations in high summer are becoming increasingly unpleasant if not downright hazardous. During the past year, numerous...

How an era of extreme heat is reshaping economies

How an era of extreme heat is reshaping economies

The Acropolis has stood above the city of Athens for centuries, its ancient walls and pillars withstanding war, siege and conquest. But as temperatures crested 40C across southern Europe this month, Greece’s top tourist attraction briefly fell victim to extreme heat. Officials shut the site for several hours during the hottest parts of the day,...

How UAE is getting around international sanctions against Russia

How UAE is getting around international sanctions against Russia

As the next host of COP28, scheduled for the end of 2023, the United Arab Emirates has become a mecca of international sanctions evasion, and both Russians and Syrians are taking advantage. From November 30 to December 12, 2023, the United Arab Emirates Confederation will host COP28. Not only is Dubai, which is considered a...