Tag: UAEHumanRights

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Abu Dhabi’s censor-in-chiefset to takecharge at the Telegraph

Abu Dhabi’s censor-in-chiefset to takecharge at the Telegraph

UPDATE “In addition to Mr. Zucker, the key players in the new venture, known as RedBird IMI, are Gerry Cardinale, the chief executive and founder of RedBird, and Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, an Emirati government minister who has spearheaded many of IMI’s investment conversations in the United States. Mr. Cardinale is the chief investment officer...

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

Events of 2022 In 2022, United Arab Emirates (UAE) authorities introduced amendments to a wide range of laws yet continued an alarming campaign of repression and censorship against dissidents. The UAE has expanded its surveillance capabilities, both online and through drone surveillance in public spaces. UAE authorities continue to block representatives of international human rights organizations and United Nations...