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Foreign Office failed to notice torture of British academic in UAE, watchdog finds

Foreign Office failed to notice torture of British academic in UAE, watchdog finds

Parliamentary ombudsman says Matthew Hedges was let down by UK government during imprisonment. The UK’s parliamentary ombudsman has found that the Foreign Office “failed to notice signs of torture” when officials visited a British academic imprisoned in the United Arab Emirates. Matthew Hedges was convicted on spying charges by the UAE in 2018 after travelling to...

UAE fossil fuel investments in the UK being pushed by climate change denier

UAE fossil fuel investments in the UK being pushed by climate change denier

Top UK officials had undeclared meetings with UAE ambassador at private parties hosted by billionaire Tory donor Michael Hintze, according to an Insight investigation by The Sunday Times. Hintze, a British-Australian hedge fund manager worth £1.7 billion, has given over £4 million to the Conservative party and founded the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a climate...