Tag: UNclimateconference

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To save the climate, change the game for petrostates

To save the climate, change the game for petrostates

Future negotiations should focus more on reshaping incentives for oil and gas producing countries, and less on fulminating at their villainy. Daniel Litvin is the founder of Critical Resource and a visiting senior fellow at the Grantham Research Institute at LSE. He is the author of “Empires of Profit: Commerce, Conquest and Corporate Responsibility.” He...

High cost, low profitability and storage challenges: Is carbon capture a realistic climate solution?

High cost, low profitability and storage challenges: Is carbon capture a realistic climate solution?

Here’s why carbon capture is no easy solution to climate change. Carbon capture technology is central to the climate strategies of many world governments. It is also expensive, unproven at scale, and can be hard to sell to a nervous public. This currently makes the model of capturing carbon dioxide emissions from the air and storing them...

Flemish Environment Minister to skip COP28 and takes a dig at Dubai

Flemish Environment Minister to skip COP28 and takes a dig at Dubai

After boycotting COP27 in Egypt due to concerns about the human rights situation there, Flemish Environment Minister Zuhal Demir has already confirmed she will not be attending next year’s climate summit in Dubai, either. On Wednesday, Demir announced she will not be attending the 28th UN climate conference (COP28), which will be hosted by the United Arab...