In Geneva, the methods of « king of detectives » fully reveled

In Geneva, the methods of « king of detectives » fully reveled

A data leak reveals years of special operations by the Geneva agency Alp Services on behalf of the secret services of the United Arab Emirates. This European scandal shakes the boss, Mario Brero, who has long ruled the opaque world of economic intelligence and smear operations.

When hackers do marketing, this gives a mysterious PowerPoint presentation of 107 pages in the shape of a hunting board. «Today we offer you access to all the archives of the most prestigious economic intelligence agency in the world», begins this document, unsigned, after a « welcome » in English and Arabic and which seems to be dated June 30, 2021. It is intended to sell, at an unspecified price, the fruit of a gigantic hacking: 3 secret data terabytes for 6,500 files from 1998 to 2,021 stolen from the servers of the Geneva company Alp Services, founded in 1989 by Mario Brero, often nicknamed « the king of detectives ».

Read also: how an agency in Geneva listed a thousand people for the Emirati secret services

Page after page, this document with sober black and white graphics exposes the clients and activities of the one who describes himself as « an ethical mercenary ». He sold his services to oligarchs and autocrats of this world, from Omar Bongo ( Gabon ) to Denis Sassou-Nguesso ( Republic of Congo ), passing through Nursultan Nazarbayev ( Kazakhstan ). We discover Geneva at the heart of certain scandals, economic wars and geopolitical plots of the last thirty years: Areva affair, Bouvier-Rybolovlev case, Juan Carlos case and especially the deaf battle fought by the United Arab Emirates and Qatar between 2017 and 2021, in which the detective served the interests of Abu Dhabi.

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