More than 200 French people have been spied on behalf of the United Arab Emirates’ secret services

More than 200 French people have been spied on behalf of the United Arab Emirates’ secret services

“Mediapart reveals that a private Swiss Detective agency sent the names of a thousand Europeans to the Abu Dhabi intelligence services, qualifying them, often wrongly, as Islamists having close ties  to the Muslim Brotherhood. Among the victims of this absurd filing are Benoît Hamon, Samia Ghali, the CNRS and the  La France insoumise mouvement.

“A Mafia-like continental network”. This is the shocking title of an infographic addressed to the secret services of the United Arab Emirates. The document lists hundreds of individuals scattered throughout Europe, linked together by arrows, supposedly constituting a network of radical Islamists.

This chilling mapping is the work of private Swiss intelligence firm Alp Services. Mediapart and then the New Yorker had already revealed some of the dirty tricks carried out by this agency on behalf of Abu Dhabi.

But there was more shocking still. This is what the “Abu Dhabi Secrets” investigation series reveals from today, based on confidential documents from an Alp Services hack, obtained by Mediapart and shared with the European media network. Investigative Collaborations (EIC).

Our documents show that between 2017 and 2020, Alp Services handed over to the Emirati services the names of more than 1,000 people and more than 400 organizations allegedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood in 18 European countries, including more than 200 individuals and 120 organizations in France.

This filing was undertaken outside of any legal framework. And many, many names have nothing to do with radical Islam. We find there for example the former socialist presidential candidate Benoît Hamon, the deputy mayor of Marseille and former senator Samia Ghali, the author and director Rokhaya Diallo, but also the Bondy Blog, the party La France insoumise de Jean -Luc Mélenchon, and even the CNRS, the public body that oversees French scientific research.”

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