Heat-struck Mediterranean is climate change ‘hot spot’

Heat-struck Mediterranean is climate change ‘hot spot’

Struck by near-record temperatures and wildfires during this week’s heatwave, the Mediterranean region is ranked as a climate-change “hot spot” by scientists.

The beaches, seafood and heritage sites in the region spanning parts of southern Europe, northern Africa and western Asia are under threat.

Here are five key threats to the region flagged by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Its reports are the most comprehensive summary of scientific knowledge on global warming.

Like parts of the United States and Asia, the Med has been hit by extreme heat in recent weeks. The Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily are forecast to possibly top a continent-wide record of 48.8C (119.8F).

“Heatwaves are increasing due to climate change in the Mediterranean, and are amplified in cities due to urbanization practices,” causing illness and death, the IPCC said in its 2022 report on impacts of climate change and how to adapt to them.

Read more at: phys.org

Photo: phys.org;

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