Wagner: Sword of Damocles amid Russia’s potential troubles

Wagner: Sword of Damocles amid Russia’s potential troubles

The use of mercenaries dates back to 400 B.C., and they were used by ancient Greeks, Alexander the Great and Rome’s army. Since then, there have been several debates around their use for centuries, and some intellectuals argued that they are beneficial while others opposed the idea of using mercenaries.

In his famous book “Utopia,” Thomas More supported the use of mercenaries, while Niccolo Machiavelli opposed it.

There is no doubt that since the Cold War, the intellectual and military thinking about them has taken another form following on-the-ground cases, observations and the transformation of the new wars in which mercenaries have only become a part of the current concept.

Read more: dailysabah.com

Photo: dailysabah.com

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