Ten climate “solutions” that don’t help

Ten climate “solutions” that don’t help

Ten climate “solutions” that don’t help. Many shiny new “green” ideas do more to preserve fossil fuels than to replace it

The world continues to face a major obstacle to addressing the climate crisis. Deliberate distraction with a proliferation of new whiz-bang technologies and ideas. Some are well-intentioned, some are strategic, and some are delusional. But most are outright greenwashing to justify the continued use of fossil fuels and distract from the inevitable move to less expensive renewable energy.

Historically, this invention and testing would have taken place at government-funded research universities. Done with a dedication to discovering the best and most beneficial solutions. Many of these projects are now supported by specific corporations or sectors. Most notably, coal, oil, and gas.

The fossil fuel business is pushing a whole slew of poor ideas. They are hell-bent on thwarting global efforts to limit carbon emissions. This week, the Climate & Capital team looks at some of these “shiny objects”. Who are distracting the world from forming effective climate solutions.

1. The mother of all distractions: Carbon Capture and Storage

CCS has long been touted as THE solution to the fossil fuel industry’s significant greenhouse gas emissions problem. CCS (carbon capture and storage) is the technique of collecting CO2 from power plants and either injecting it underground or recycling it in another industrial operation.

Sources like Saudi Arabian negotiators and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson argue for developing carbon capture technology while pushing back against efforts by the G20 industrialized nations to phase out fossil fuels.

Read more at climateandcapitalmedia.com

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