U.N. Chief’s Test: Shaming Without Naming the World’s Climate Delinquents

U.N. Chief’s Test: Shaming Without Naming the World’s Climate Delinquents

The world’s top diplomat, António Guterres, the United Nations secretary general, has lately been unusually blunt in his broadsides against fossil fuel producers. He has accused them of “profiting from destruction.” He has urged governments to stop funding coal and to put the brakes on new oil and gas projects. “History is coming for the planet-wreckers,” he has said.

But who are these “planet wreckers?” He doesn’t name them.

Not China, the world’s coal behemoth. Not Britain or the United States, who both have ambitious climate laws but continue to issue new oil and gas permits. Not the United Arab Emirates, a petrostate where a state-owned oil company executive is hosting the upcoming United Nations climate negotiations — a move that activists have decried as undermining the very legitimacy of the talks.

Read more: nytimes.com

Photo: nytimes.com

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