Exclude Fossil Fuel Firms From COP 28 if They Only Want to Obstruct

Exclude Fossil Fuel Firms From COP 28 if They Only Want to Obstruct

Fossil fuel companies should not be included in the COP 28 climate summit if they continue to block climate action, the UN’s former climate chief told reporters on Thursday.

“If they are going to be there only to be obstructors, and only to put spanners into the system, they should not be there,” said Christiana Figueres, who was pivotal to the delivery of the landmark Paris climate agreement in 2015.

Figueres made the statement a day after global leaders from more than 100 national governments gathered for the United Nations’ climate ambition summit to outline new plans to curb global heating and adapt to its effects, in preparation for this fall’s COP 28.

Read more: thenation.com

Photo: thenation.com

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