Revealed: allegations of abuse and captivity without pay at UAE’s lucrative recruitment agencies

Revealed: allegations of abuse and captivity without pay at UAE’s lucrative recruitment agencies

As Nia scrambled to the top of a Dubai compound wall, she paused for a moment. Behind her were a group of fellow Kenyan women, also being held captive, who had helped her climb up. On the other side of the wall there was an expanse of busy streets in an unfamiliar land.

“Jump!” the women urged, “Go, go, go.” And she did.

In 2021, Nia, 27, arrived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to be a domestic worker. Her aim was to make enough money to secure a better future for herself and her family. She believed a job was waiting for her when she landed but, instead, staff from the employment agency Shamma Almahairi Domestic Workers Services Center took her to its compound.

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