Russian Media Outlet Reviews Russia’s 2023 Middle East Diplomacy: ‘Russia Has Become The Wisest Player In The Middle East’

Russian Media Outlet Reviews Russia’s 2023 Middle East Diplomacy: ‘Russia Has Become The Wisest Player In The Middle East’

“The UAE Has Become Russia’s Main Trading Partner In The Arab Region”

“Russia’s policy in the Middle East in 2023 was particularly active. Moscow managed to improve relations with Arab countries and Iran, strengthen dialogue with Turkey and maintain normal relations with Israel. All this was the result of strict adherence to the two diplomatic traditions that Moscow has followed for several decades in a row.

“In the past year, Russia made special achievements in building relations with the countries of the Arab region. In particular, Moscow’s ties with Riyadh have achieved tremendous success. In March, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud paid a visit to Russia, where he met with Sergey Lavrov.

“The two sides reaffirmed their desire to establish active diplomatic and trade ties. Both states expressed hope for further cooperation in the framework of resolving the crises in Syria and Yemen. The conflict in Ukraine and Palestinian-Israeli tensions were also discussed.

“In his speech at the press conference following the meeting with Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov also noted that the countries are interested in developing coordination of joint actions within the framework of OPEC+. This meeting was a kind of ‘synchronizing the watches’ for building up further partnership between Moscow and Riyadh in 2023.

“In May, Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev visited Saudi Arabia. There he met with his counterpart, Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif Al Saud, Vedomosti recalls. Dialogue at this level between the two countries was held for the first time, which indicates the growth of mutual trust. The parties discussed interaction in the field of fighting extremism and drug trafficking, as well as cooperation through Interpol. The discussion of security is particularly valuable, as it implies Saudi Arabia’s readiness to diversify its efforts in this area without looking back at Washington.

“The development of economic relations has not lagged behind. Thus, only in January-July 2023 the trade turnover between the two countries increased by almost 20%, TASS recalls. OPEC+ contacts are also improving. This year Moscow and Riyadh have repeatedly consulted on setting the price of energy resources.

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