Russia angles for drone-making partners in the Middle East

Russia angles for drone-making partners in the Middle East

Russian defense exports agency Rosoboronexport has said it wants to establish drone production facilities in the Middle Eastern region, including the UAE, as Moscow attempts to grab market share in a region it deems receptive to the idea.

State-owned Russian media agency TASS cited the export agency as saying it would make overtures to regional governments at the UMEX 2024 conference here, held here on Jan. 23-25, singling out the show’s host nation in particular.

“Company representatives will speak about broad capabilities in the field of industrial cooperation to localize drone production on the territory of the customer, hold joint work to create prospective samples with the use of Russian competences in their design,” TASS reported.

In the last two years, Russia’s military-industrial complex has been focused on supporting the invasion of Ukraine, which has now reached a standstill with roughly one-fifth of the country occupied, according to analysts. The rate of equipment consumed on the battlefield has left little for Moscow to export.

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