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Why Russia Has Been So Resilient to Western Export Controls

Why Russia Has Been So Resilient to Western Export Controls

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States imposed an unprecedented package of sanctions intended to make Russia pay a high economic cost for its aggression and to constrain the Russian military. U.S. President Joe Biden declared that Russia would “bear the consequences” for the invasion and emphasized that sanctions were designed to reverse Russia’s military modernization,...

Russia angles for drone-making partners in the Middle East

Russia angles for drone-making partners in the Middle East

Russian defense exports agency Rosoboronexport has said it wants to establish drone production facilities in the Middle Eastern region, including the UAE, as Moscow attempts to grab market share in a region it deems receptive to the idea. State-owned Russian media agency TASS cited the export agency as saying it would make overtures to regional...

Can the Emirates Divorce Themselves of Putin?

Can the Emirates Divorce Themselves of Putin?

Much like Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Nagorno-Karabakh, the war in Ukraine is now another “frozen conflict” derived from the fall of the Soviet Union. What the Kremlin calls its “near abroad,” is now an escalating proxy war between two nuclear superpowers. Dangerous stuff we have here. As global diplomats look for a path forward...

The Dangerous Loophole in Western Sanctions on Russia

The Dangerous Loophole in Western Sanctions on Russia

The Dangerous Loophole in Western Sanctions on Russia. Putin’s weaponry runs on advanced electronic components obtained from a hidden international market. Through a rare, hydra-headed blend of government sanctions and the historic stampede of 1,100 multinational firms out of the country, the economic blockade of Russia has proved highly effective. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war campaign struggles onward,...