We need a Blair-Osborne Act to stop ex-MPs shilling for foreign rulers

We need a Blair-Osborne Act to stop ex-MPs shilling for foreign rulers

The nexus between government, business and overseas money is becoming ever tighter.

At this rate, it won’t be long before George Osborne buys a stately home to rival that of Tony Blair. The former chancellor bagged his 13th job this week: he has been recruited as an adviser to Coinbase, a cryptocurrency outfit. All this while chairing the British Museum and working for an investment bank. He’s currently advising the Emirati government on how best to buy The Telegraph. His earnings aren’t published anymore but I suspect that, by the end of this year, he will be a very rich man indeed.

You can see why he commands a high price: impeccably-connected and best friends with David Cameron, now back as Foreign Secretary. Cameron has also been making the Emirati case, telling people how important it is that Sheikh Mansour is allowed to buy this newspaper.

As Prime Minister he was keen for their investment. After his stint at No 10 they were keen on him, paying £100,000-a-shot for speeches and offering him a bizarre gig giving university lectures. My hunch is that he was paid a bit more than your standard academic – but we’ll never know, as it was never revealed.

Read more: telegraph.co.uk

Photo: telegraph.co.uk

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