Plight of Nepali migrants: UAE emerging as transit point for human trafficking

Plight of Nepali migrants: UAE emerging as transit point for human trafficking

In recent times, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has increasingly become a transit point for human traffickers, exploiting the vulnerabilities of Nepali migrants seeking better opportunities abroad. Due to the easy accessibility of visit visas, many find themselves face to face with deception and exploitation.

Tej Bahadur Chhetri, the Nepali ambassador to the UAE, raises concern over the growing trend of human trafficking through the UAE. Nepali migrants, lured by promises of reaching destinations like America and Europe, often find themselves stranded in the UAE after arriving on visit visas.

One such case is that of Ammardatta Paneru, who paid a hefty sum to a broker, only to find himself living illegally in Dubai for the last three months. He had arrived in Dubai on a 2-months visit visa. He said that he paid Rs 8 million to the broker for his travel to USA. Now, he’s waiting with no clear idea of what’s next. Dubai is just one of the many transit points on his journey to reach the USA.

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