Climate change could be coming for the elephants, study shows

Climate change could be coming for the elephants, study shows

Hotter temperatures and decreased rainfall increase stress on elephants older than 40 by reducing the amount of food available and prompting migrations, according to a modeling study based on 50 years of data in the Greater Virunga region of East Africa. The risks add to the threat of poaching and an increased conflict with humans as their habitats diminish. 

The death of older elephants, which can live to between 60 and 70 years old, reduces the number of reproductive animals and weakens the genetic base of herds, authors including Simon Nampindo at the Wildlife Conservation Society said in the study. The fatalities also deprive younger pachyderms of guidance from older and wiser animals, leading to erratic behavior, they said.

“Climate change will affect the quality and condition of suitable habitat for elephants,” Nampindo said in a response to a query. That will diminish “food resources available to elephants, triggering them to move longer distances in search of food and water,” he added. 

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