Violent war of words between Algiers and Abu Dhabi

Violent war of words between Algiers and Abu Dhabi

The latent crisis between Algiers and Abu Dhabi is now out in the open. This week, the X network (formerly Twitter) is flooded with hundreds of messages, oscillating between reproaches and hostilities, between Emirati internet users and, on the other side, Algerians or other nationalities defending Algiers’ position. The intensity of these less-than-cordial exchanges is unprecedented.

It all started with statements made this weekend by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune to public media. He was asked about the “regrets concerning hostile actions against Algeria emanating from a brotherly Arab country” during a meeting in mid-January of the High Security Council, a body chaired by the head of state and composed of the highest civilian and military officials.

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