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EU to mull sanctions on Dubai shipper suspected of running Russian tanker fleet

EU to mull sanctions on Dubai shipper suspected of running Russian tanker fleet

SUN Ship Management has become one of the main transporters of Russian oil to countries including India and Cuba. BRUSSELS — The EU is discussing whether to sanction Dubai-based shipping company SUN Ship Management Ltd, which is suspected of helping Russia circumvent restrictions on its oil exports, three diplomats told POLITICO’s Brussels Playbook on condition of anonymity....

UAE: State Security Retaliates Against Ahmed Mansoor

UAE: State Security Retaliates Against Ahmed Mansoor

Allies Should Call for Rights Defender’s Immediate Release (Beirut) – United Arab Emirates authorities retaliated against the detained human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor after July 2021, when regional media published a prison letter he wrote detailing his mistreatment in detention and flagrantly unfair trial, Human Rights Watch and the Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) said today. ...

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

Events of 2022 In 2022, United Arab Emirates (UAE) authorities introduced amendments to a wide range of laws yet continued an alarming campaign of repression and censorship against dissidents. The UAE has expanded its surveillance capabilities, both online and through drone surveillance in public spaces. UAE authorities continue to block representatives of international human rights organizations and United Nations...

Undercover journalist sold as a slave in Dubai – Part 3

Undercover journalist sold as a slave in Dubai – Part 3

PART THREE A Vision journalist got in touch with traffickers who smuggle people to work in the Middle East, on promises of high paying jobs. They smuggled her to Dubai with promises of a lucrative job. On arrival, she ended up in an agent’s holding cell. The story, which started last weekend, continues with the...

UAE: Caution to climate event organisers not to “criticise corporations” alarms activists warning of “corporate capture” ahead of COP28

UAE: Caution to climate event organisers not to “criticise corporations” alarms activists warning of “corporate capture” ahead of COP28

UAE climate event organisers warn speakers not to ‘criticise corporations,” Speakers at a climate and health conference in the United Arab Emirates were told not to protest or “criticise corporations” in a warning that cited the Gulf state’s laws, alarming campaigners ahead of the country hosting the UN’s COP28 climate summit this year. Organisers advised...